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Loy & Hutz

Version Scheme and Support Duration of the Delivered Versions


New waveware versions or deliveries are created on a regular basis, as required by new features, improvements or bug fixes. A delivery is always preceded by a few test versions, which are subjected to a variety of automatic and manual tests to ensure the correct operation of the resulting delivery version.

Version Scheme

For comprehensible further development, a four-segment version scheme is used, which is structured by dots. The segments are incremented as follows:

  1. 11.190.1684.24
    The first segment indicates the product.
  2. 11.190.1684.24
    The second segment is the 'Major' of the version - the main version number. It is upgraded when significant improvements and innovations have been integrated.
  3. 11.190.1684.24
    The 'Minor' - the secondary version number - is added as the third part of the version number. Identifies the functional extensions or changes of the software, that have been included based on the 'Major' functionalities.
  4. 11.180.1235.214
    As the fourth one, the 'Build' completes the version specification. Contains mainly bug fixes or changes to previous 'Minor' versions.

Support Duration

The most recently released main version and its direct predecessor version are always supported. So for example, if the major release 11.190 is delivered, this release and its predecessor, version 11.180, are supported. The most recently released version is supported, not the previous minor versions.

Main versions are supported for at least 24 months after their initial release, even though two new main versions have been released during this time.

LTS Version

An LTS version stands for "Long-Term Support" and refers to a specific version of waveware for which Loy & Hutz offers an extended period of support. In the future, LTS versions will be released at an interval of 6 months and will be provided with critical security updates every 12 months. This way you only have to perform a major update once a year to be able to safely operate the version with a few smaller updates.


LTS versions are particularly interesting for companies that require stability in their IT system and are less interested in the latest functions and instead value long-term reliability and security. Release 11.200.6798 (April 2024) is the first LTS (Long Term Support) release to provide 12 months of critical security updates.

Version Scheme and Support Duration of the Delivered Versions
3 Changes