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    11.210-LTS: Technical Changes


    Support till: 15.04.2026

    Date: 05.02.2025, Global version: 66760

    This version is an extended release of release with important bug fixes.  Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technische Änderungen

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2411-00862 Fehlerkorrektur CAD Wurde eine Zeichnung über den CAD-Import erneut eingelesen, um einen bestehenden Import zu aktualisieren, wurden zwar Informationen zu Stempeln usw. übertragen, jedoch gingen Symbolverknüpfungen verloren. Korrigiert
    TN-2501-00512 Fehlerkorrektur Drucken Wenn ein Anwender ohne Administrator-Rechte (fehlendes Recht 'SelectionPrintOutputEdit') die Ausgabeart einer Selektion zu "Druck: Listen" änderte, wurde eine Fehlermeldung ausgegeben und der waveware Windows Client beendet. Korrigiert
    TN-2501-00242 Fehlerkorrektur Prüfdaten Die Feldzuordnung bzw. die Anpassungen, die in einer Feldzuordnung vorgenommen wurden, wurden unter Umständen bei einem Import nicht richtig angewendet. Korrigiert
    TN-2410-00783 Fehlerkorrektur Prüfdaten Bei einem Prüfdatenimport konnte es vorkommen, dass Importvorgaben nicht korrekt angewendet wurden.     Korrigiert
    TN-2411-00093 Fehlerkorrektur Terminserie Unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen konnte es vorkommen, dass eine Terminserie mit der Einstellung 'Nur an Werktagen' und der Korrektur 'Früher', falls ein Termin nicht auf einen Werktag fällt, beim Speichern keine passenden Termine ermitteln konnte. Korrigiert
    TN-2501-00557 Fehlerkorrektur Terminserie Bei der Fortschreibung eines bestehenden Serientermins wurde der Termin auf ein falsches Datum fortgeschrieben, wenn das Startdatum auf "heute", Muster "In diesem Monat", Anzahl der Folgetermine "Nur einen" und die Terminfortschreibung auf Ausführungsdatum eingestellt war. Korrigiert


    TN-2501-00870: When updating a series, always use the calculated date (based...
    TN-2501-00726: Fix series update of series with end date.
    TN-2501-00725: Update series date even if series update base is not modifiable.
    TN-2501-00512: Fix an AppCrash with the windowsClient, when the global right SelectionPrintoutputEdit is missing.
    TN-2501-00242: Fix fieldmapping order with old addins; fix defcat values in addin mapping.
    TN-2411-00862: Fix purging of symbol geometry when deleting a drawing.
    TN-2411-00554: Fix to include error and other query-Parameters to the errorRedirect response for CustomPages logins.
    TN-2411-00093: Fix series generator, so that "just one" does not usually...,...
    TN-2410-00783: Store targets in importsettings; TN-2410-00805: Fix performance...

    Date: 13.01.2025, Global version: 65998

    This version is an extended release of release with important bug fixes.  Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2412-00139 Bug Fix Selection

    In selections with the selection filter "empty" or "not empty", unexpected results occurred if empty strings were in the filter field. The filter expected NULL as a value in the database when filtering for "empty".

    TN-2412-00251 Bug Fix CAD

    When importing certain floor schemes, an object reference error could occur if the import was not carried out directly after the geometry import. Area data was then not imported.

    TN-2410-00249 Bug Fix Custom Pages Field rights were not checked correctly in 'CatalogControls' of the Custom Pages. Fixed
    TN-2412-00337 Bug Fix Print

    When printing cards, the sorting of lists that were, for example, filled with work steps and included in an LL print form was not always correct.

    TN-2411-00353 Bug Fix Calendar

    The coloring of the elements in the calendar (e.g. by type of measure or status) did not work correctly.

    TN-2412-00547 Bug Fix Operations

    With a certain configuration of data localities, an error could occur when saving transactions in connection with the system package 'Operations' (1770): "Record cannot be saved: ExecuteNonQuery ..."


    Known Problems

    Ticket No. Area Datum Description Solution
    TN-2501-00557 Terminserie 21.01.25 Bei der Fortschreibung eines bestehenden Serientermins wird der Termin auf ein falsches Datum fortgeschrieben, wenn das Startdatum auf "heute", Muster "In diesem Monat", Anzahl der Folgetermine "Nur einen" und die Terminfortschreibung auf Ausführungsdatum eingestellt ist. Wird in der nächsten Freigabe behoben sein.


    TN-2412-00547: Package 1770: fixed a problem with the client id that prevented...
    TN-2412-00337: Fix an issue with sorting of successors in List&Label print.
    TN-2412-00251: Add DGN layer filter for polygons.
    TN-2412-00139: Fix selection execution with null/not null comparison (Fix for TN-2312-00526 does not work properly any more).
    TN-2411-00353: Fix missing coloring of Appointment-Items.
    TN-2410-00249: Fix wrong fieldRights check in customPages CatalogControls.

    Date: 13.12.2024, Global version: 65588

    This version is an extended release of release with important bug fixes.  Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2410-00502 Bug Fix CAD

    Creating PDFs for compound selections with a large number of CAD drawings did not always work correctly.

    TN-2406-00262 Bug Fix CAD

    When importing stacked hatchings, e.g. in a logo, the display could be incorrect. The logo was displayed blackened, for example.

    TN-2406-00655 Bug Fix CAD

    Regardless of whether it was turned on or off, hatching was invisible in the CAD viewer in some data worlds.

    TN-2410-00587 Bug Fix CAD

    When importing new DGN drawings, stamps could sometimes be incorrectly positioned.

    TN-2410-00701 Bug Fix DataManagement

    When duplicating a data world, an error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" could occur, which in turn led to a crash of DataManagement.

    TN-2411-00848 Bug Fix DMS

    When using the DMS and displaying documents, tags were retrieved multiple times. In addition, the documents were always reloaded when changing card areas within a record. When displaying a very large number of documents, this could have a negative impact on performance.

    TN-2410-00783 Bug Fix Test Data

    When importing test data, it could happen that import specifications were not applied correctly.

    TN-2411-00542 Bug Fix System Rule Editor

    When generating an HTML email using the mail building blocks, the content was not correctly encoded and transferred to the email client.

    TN-2410-00866 Bug Fix Serial Appointments

    If the following parameters were used together in a series of appointments:

    • Validity correction is "Earlier"
    • Update on appointment basis

    it could happen that appointments that were corrected were deleted.


    Please also do a data world update.

    TN-2412-00210 Bug Fix Card

    For memo fields, you can also write the text in an additional text window. There was an error here: If the text window was used to create the text, then closed and the card saved, the text was deleted from the memo field and not saved.




    Bug Fix Mobile

    When using the building block 'BrowserDialog', unexpected behavior occurred in which fields were deleted.

    AP-23-1939365 Extension Trigger

    There is an additional trigger in the 'Data' area that is triggered when a person logs in or attempts to log in.

    Parameters are:

    • User
    • Login source (fat client, web, etc.)
    • Client
    • Auth result (or the trigger only triggers for successful logins)

    Known Problems

    Ticket No. Area Datum Description Solution
    TN-2501-00557 Terminserie 21.01.25 Bei der Fortschreibung eines bestehenden Serientermins wird der Termin auf ein falsches Datum fortgeschrieben, wenn das Startdatum auf "heute", Muster "In diesem Monat", Anzahl der Folgetermine "Nur einen" und die Terminfortschreibung auf Ausführungsdatum eingestellt ist. Wird in der nächsten Freigabe behoben sein.


    TN-2412-00077: Prevent refreshing previous page after closing Browser popup page. Fix record serialization in grpc wrappers.
    TN-2412-00076: Check with series start date, not base date; Fix lang entries.
    TN-2411-00848: Update ToolWindows when activated via button. Avoid unnecessary toolwindow updates and improve the loading of tags. Update dms toolwindow only when it is pinned and the record changed.
    TN-2411-00767: Fix several errors with serial appointments.
    TN-2411-00723: Fix file processing when using "link to DMS" in printSettings for Web/Ux-Client.
    TN-2411-00542: Prevent html encoding of mail body in the mail bricks.
    TN-2411-00458: Package 0: 'GetRegistratedPackages' now checks for existing packages.
    TN-2410-00816: Fix display of symbols.
    TN-2410-00783: Store targets in importsettings; TN-2410-00805: Fix performance issues with test devices.
    TN-2410-00701: Prevent crash if new value is null.
    TN-2410-00587: Fix room stamp position for DGN drawing import.
    TN-2410-00502: Fix creating PDF for composed selection with many drawings.
    TN-2406-00655: Fix hatches from DGN drawings to be visible.
    TN-2406-00262: Fix import of stacked hatches (company logo).

    Date: 30.10.2024, Global version: 64468

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2410-00794 Bug Fix ClickOnce

    When installing DataManagement via ClickOnce, the installation could fail with the following error message: "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not found".

    TN-2410-00340 Bug Fix DataManagement The deactivation of a data world could also be carried out while the Designer or System Rule Editor was open. Fixed
    TN-2410-00588 Bug Fix DataManagement

    If the System Rule Editor was opened first without first opening the DataManagement, subsequently calling the DataManagement led to a crash of the DataManagement.

    TN-2410-00624 Bug Fix OPC

    Referenced packages have been updated to implement a security update with a moderate severity rating. It is strongly recommended to upgrade to this version.

    TN-2410-00758 Bug Fix Rights Management

    When displaying all users of a role in rights management, the first record was invisible, i.e. it was displayed one record less.

    TN-2410-00501 Bug Fix System Rule Editor

    When creating customer packages (with package number 1), an error occurred and the System Rule Editor subsequently crashed.



    TN-2410-00814: Fix potential null reference error.
    TN-2410-00794: Remove pdbs from powershell subfolder in DM.
    TN-2410-00758: Fix GetUserListOfRole call in rights management.
    TN-2410-00708: Fix Column Header Menu Shift tab issue.
    TN-2410-00624: OPC package updated due to security updates/issues.
    TN-2410-00588: Check if installid has changed.
    TN-2410-00505: Fix selects on utrans views with restrictions on a catalog field of it's parent table.
    TN-2410-00501: Create directory, if it is not existing.
    TN-2410-00340: Check opened windows before installid switch or actions.
    TN-2409-11993: Fix selecting issue for the AutoComplete DropDown.

    Date: 15.10.2024, Global Version: 64096

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
      New Feature


    The new waveware MOBILE 2 app has left the BETA development stage and is released for productive use as of this version. The app can be installed via the Google PlayStore or Apple AppStore. To operate the new app, at least one waveware server 11.200.6798 (LTS release April '24) is required. The waveware MOBILE 1 app used libraries from Xamarin, whose support was discontinued by Microsoft. The new waveware MOBILE 2 app is based on .NET MAUI and can be installed and used parallel to the waveware MOBILE 1 app.

    If you are already using waveware MOBILE 1, we recommend upgrading to the new app as soon as possible. Due to the discontinued support for Xamarin by Microsoft, Loy & Hutz will also discontinue support of waveware MOBILE 1 with this LTS release - the last supported version of waveware MOBILE 1 is therefore (or another version from this LTS series). The next release (expected November '24) will no longer contain a waveware MOBILE 1 client. Further information: 'Mobile: Version Change and Upgrade Information'.
    waveware MOBILE 2 Documentation: 'waveware MOBILE 2'.

    VK, JF 11.10.24 New Feature Update Notification

    Since new waveware versions may be released at irregular intervals, updates have been included in the waveware notification system. When a new version is released, all users with the global right 'Receive update notifications for waveware' will receive a notification.

    New versions are checked automatically in the background. If a new version is available, the waveware Service Center can be opened directly by double-clicking on the notification.
    Using Supervisor Options (System / Additional Basic Functions (1861) / System / Update Notification) you can switch the notification on and off and specify whether the update check should be limited to LTS versions.

    TN-2407-00980 Change  Building Blocks

    The mail building blocks OpenLocalMailClient, OpenLocalMailClientWithMultipleAdresses, OpenLocalOutlook and OpenLocalMailClientWithMailDraft enable emails to be sent using a local mail program.

    If the locally installed Outlook client was used, it was previously necessary to have .net Framework 4.8 installed. This no longer works with newer versions of Outlook. The building blocks mentioned have therefore been changed so that they generate a temporary *.eml file. This file is then opened by the program that is associated with this file extension (normally Outlook). The eml file can be opened by both the new and the old Outlook.

    Mail SA 14.08.24 Announcement LTS

    The time periods for LTS releases have been adjusted. Previously, LTS releases appeared at intervals of 6 months and were provided with critical security updates every 12 months.

    Starting with this release (October '24), LTS releases will be released at 12-month intervals and will be provided with critical security updates every 18 months. This means that major updates only need to be performed every one and a half years in order to be able to operate the version safely with smaller updates.

    TN-2408-00034 Bug Fix DMS

    When inserting multiple documents into a card at the same time using drag & drop, it could happen that an inserted document was not linked to the correct record due to the stacking of the cards. This was visible on the relevant 'Document' object in the 'Assignment' transaction, as the field of the assigned ID ('Object ID' or 'Transaction No.') was empty.

    TN-2407-00407 Bug Fix Cards

    To edit the content of a memo field better, the text can be opened in a separate window. The context menu of this separate window differed from that of a regular memo field, so that, for example, the phrase catalog could not be called up.



    TN-2410-00348: Package 1769: Removed unnecessary dependencies.
    TN-2410-00321: Create wizardUifactory and add missing DI to the class.
    TN-2410-00181: Change the classname of the panelbar.
    TN-2410-00176: Check the record is exist or no.
    TN-2410-00167: During offline login the offline flag was reset to online, changed the flag so it stays offline.
    TN-2410-00144: Fix crash when logging into UX with a scheduler widget placed on a cockpit or card or when setting selection within a new scheduler widget.
    TN-2410-00004: Add jaws screen reader support in assist (UX).
    TN-2409-13569: Fix casting for LetValueSet.
    TN-2409-13534: Selection monitorlist UX: Option to list tags "all in one cell" does now display them again properly.
    TN-2409-13528: Allow opening the tags assist for users with right to create tags.
    TN-2409-13525: Fix dms tags sorting in table view.
    TN-2409-13524: Fix DMS Tag rights.
    TN-2409-13491: Fix confirmation dialog.
    TN-2409-13490: Fix series dialog preview.
    TN-2409-13481: Print - Errors occur when creating and printing telerik-Forms.
    TN-2409-13475: Fix decimal value mapping in remote.
    TN-2409-13431: Fix global search grpc issue.
    TN-2409-13423: Fixed field check in series dialog.
    TN-2409-13423: Fixed: Check for errors prevented the dialog from being closed,...
    TN-2409-13367: Fix SAML endless redirects.
    TN-2409-11839: Add missing registrations for Offline to Xamarin client.
    TN-2409-11839: Use IOfflineRemoteCaller to call main station in offline mode instead of changing static variables in CallableFactory. Add missing service registrations.
    TN-2409-11839: Offline fix Mobile.
    TN-2409-11797: Fix dms commit.
    TN-2409-09948: Remove old BinaryFormatter.
    TN-2409-09752: Fix user logout.
    TN-2409-05702: Print - Wysiwyg lists output type does not work correctly, if multiple reportContainers are used.
    TN-2409-05533: Fix empty search results.
    TN-2409-05400: UX selection monitorlist column headers set back to left align, better solution.
    TN-2409-05400: UX selection monitorlist column headers set back to left align.
    TN-2409-05364: Fix restriction window position when no config values were saved before.
    TN-2409-03933: Fixed: CAD import does not return error messages.
    TN-2409-03221: Fix WebSessionManager init and SqlExecutionHandle constructor.
    TN-2409-03148: UX card - fix drawnField header values.
    TN-2409-02985: Assist. Fix tab navigation (windows).
    TN-2409-02068: Fix mapping error for Allplan drawings on using identic attributes.
    TN-2409-01429: Date in series update dialog must match the next series date.
    TN-2409-01425: Assist. Update value of duration editor when tab key is pressed (windows).
    TN-2409-01383: Fix android login with trusted certificate, https call.
    TN-2409-01378: Update start date when setting successors to done.
    TN-2409-01364: UX - fix loading widgets when opening in existing windowTab.
    TN-2409-01361: Bugfix loading mappingpackage in fieldmappingeditor ux.
    TN-2409-01350: Change style of snackbar on offline mode.
    TN-2409-01345: Prevent loading Action Rights for offline mobile on compatibility mode.
    TN-2409-01330: UX transList - fix for empty transList after opening by assist.
    TN-2409-01319: Fixed crash, also fixed name-display of available svos and...
    TN-2409-01297: Fix wrong data appearing for a split second when switching filters.
    TN-2409-01286: Assist. Implement memo window for memo field (windows).
    TN-2409-01284: Opc - remove unnecessary logs. Fix issues when loading as config.
    TN-2409-01261: Add missing term to language file.
    TN-2409-01252: Allow maximum number of characters for password in PasswordChangeWindow.
    TN-2409-01240: Update action menu on the selecting of the record.
    TN-2409-01214: Show default icon for utranses when there is no icon in dw.
    TN-2409-01207: Show "No result" tags, document page for dark mode-android also.
    TN-2409-01206: Close item tags page when user clicks on save from popup after closing snackbar.
    TN-2409-01205: Assist: Fix auto width in mobile browsers (UX).
    TN-2409-01163: Show alert to open UI settings for camera permissions.
    TN-2409-01158: Show Memo field on selection details fully, fix the issue when memo value is very long.
    TN-2409-01154: Avoid unnecessary navigator update in structurelistview and show loading information.
    TN-2409-01151: Fix Action menu closing when clicking on a disabled button.
    TN-2409-01140: Assist. Fix null reference exception when using drop-down list input (UX).
    TN-2409-0032: Change username with loginname.
    TN-2409-00074: Print - Web-/Ux-Client. PrintList and PrintLabel do not return a file in case of PDF print.
    TN-2409-00065: Fix ShowRecordListBasic brick when one of records is null.
    TN-2409-00058: Fix showing info message in uTrans.
    TN-2409-00051: Assist. Set assist width to 25% of browser if not specified (UX).
    TN-2409-00021: Not invoke "DisplayPage" when SubTrans is empty.
    TN-2409-00012: UX utrans - fix errorSnippet.
    TN-2409-00010: Do not allow set default password as new password.
    TN-2408-00847_TN-2408-00148: Add copy button to toolbar of the card menu.
    TN-2408-00822: Fix showing chart axis labels in Android.
    TN-2408-00818: UX - fix reusing widgetGuid when loading a layout.
    TN-2408-00799: Set content padding for Tablet on iOS.
    TN-2408-00739: Fix filter width in navigator, selection, ...
    TN-2408-00723: Android login with 'remember me' does not work.
    TN-2408-00721: No table is shown when the user has a non-existing def world.
    TN-2408-00721: Use default defworld like desktop for menu in unknown defworld.
    TN-2408-00718: UX FileSelect - fix rendering style errorMessage.
    TN-2408-00713: Add missing IRolePoolFactory registration to powershell.
    TN-2408-00708: Android: set min sdk version to 33 in order to be able to upload to the store.
    TN-2408-00705: Fix color detection from block elements where color is defined by block.
    TN-2408-00680: Update document card when changing version /control state in DMS.
    TN-2408-00656: Improve messages in WebWave/UX error dialogs.
    TN-2408-00653: Scheduler/Calendar - UX, Application crashes when calling ShowCard without cardContext.
    TN-2408-00647: UX dms - fix crash when replace card.
    TN-2408-00592, TN-2408-00593: fixed warning-message when forcing single-user-debugging.
    TN-2408-00468: Expand button fix.
    TN-2408-00405: Check if user has table rights. Otherwise it it will set the...
    TN-2408-00404: Speedup remote and fix connection errors.
    TN-2408-00394: Use correct database driver to delete tables; TN-2408-00349: allow function power in all databases and cleanup transformer implementation.
    TN-2408-00376: UX dms - fix for not loading documents in init.
    TN-2408-00356: Create brick to check if version is LTS.
    TN-2408-00342: Add error message to restore backup and correct status log.
    TN-2408-00307: Fixed series dialog. Closing the dialog most no longer set the...
    TN-2408-00286: Add optional parameter on RefreshNavigator: forceDisplay. set...
    TN-2408-00086: Print/Reporting - Implement Print-Merge possibility for Reporting-Forms.
    TN-2408-00034: Fix linking multiple documents at the same time.
    TN-2407-01039: IsLoaging property used inside of ForceOpenOrCollapseBottomSheetContent.
    TN-2407-01039: More/Less buttons are not visible when opening Internal Delegation View-mode card.
    TN-2407-00775: Display symbols on first view after client start.
    TN-2407-00766: Assist. Scroll first focusable element into view (UX).
    TN-2407-00582: Assist. Set max width of wizard as a side panel to viewport width (UX).
    TN-2407-00407: Add fieldMenu in Memowindow.
    TN-2407-00375: Fix mandatory field error message issue for input box if type is DateTime.
    TN-2407-00311: Fix default value for catalog filter in case of more than 50 items in catalog.
    TN-2407-00066: Utrans Reordering Issue.
    TN-2407-00054: Fix login via touch id.
    TN-2407-00041: UX navigator - refactore updates.
    TN-2406-01447: Assist. Add multi-selector input for any record type (windows, UX).
    TN-2406-00229: Avoid running Beat rule for all mandants.
    TN-2406-00111: Add new field message type - info.
    TN-2406-00111: Implement showing message from SetFieldInfoMessage brick in blue.
    TN-2406-00111: Implement new field state message type: Info.
    TN-2405-02070: Update tab header and calculate width after changing state of tab.
    TN-2405-01204: Improve DMS performance.
    TN-2405-00527: Fix getting selections of compact overview page tabs.
    TN-2405-00326: Implement SeriesDialog extenstion into webWave.
    TN-2404-03289: IsValidUlfiString refactoring to avoid exceptions. This reverts commit a2d8037b6b476cfcf47f9850ac083e9be1580528.
    TN-2402-01021: Changed dynamic MinWidth.
    TN-2401-00398: Color of the import category corrected.
    TN-2311-00245: Assist. Scale down an image if sizeLimit exceeded (mobile, MAUI).
    TN-2210-00367: Removed unknownArg in Rule...
    TN-2210-00367: Check in rule 'GetSelectedTags', as it was not checked in with version [].
    TN-2210-00367: Created New Assist for linking Tags to Files. Assist opens when...
    11.210-LTS: Technical Changes
    1 Change