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Loy & Hutz



Upon licensing of waveware, we distinguish between hardware and software licenses. During the delivery via a sales partner of the Loy & Hutz Solutions GmbH, you gain a license file adjusted to your setting in the rule. This is necessary during the setup, which installs only the modules, that are relevant for you. Then, you must implement an activation of the computer hardware during the installation, where the waveware server is used.

Activation of Hardware

The computer on which the waveware server runs must be activated hardware-specific. Here, you generate a file during the installation, which you send to the headquarter of Loy & Hutz Solutions GmbH (see Contact) per email. This file ("LicenseInfo.txt") contains a hardware key of the computer and its customer information. The headquarter of the Loy & Hutz Solutions GmbH processes the file immediately and and sends you back with a signature.  You can recall this file without any problem in the setup of waveware and thus, execute successfully.

If an activation was already implemented for the computer, it is detected by the waveware setup and the installation is continued. You can get more information on this procedure from the sales partner of the Loy & Hutz Solutions GmbH.

Activation of Software

Software activations rule, which tables (objects, catalogs and transactions) and which user package can be used in a waveware installation.​​​​​ These releases are transmitted in the form of a license file, which must be imported after the installation of waveware.

License files previously used the file extension '.OPPX'. From waveware 11.170.1235.127 a new file format for license files ('.LHLIC') was introduced. Before updating to this version (or higher), be sure to update your existing license file to the new file format.

Contact your sales partner or support for a license file. As a rule, two license files are transmitted to you, which you can import into your production system and optionally into additional test or development systems. The division into productive and test system takes place via data worlds. For each data world, different license files can be used, which are to be imported via the DataManagement. Direct copying of the license files in the directories of the data worlds is not possible, as the license file probably activates new tables or fields which must be activated during the importing. In this case, the DataManagement updates the data structure fully automated.
Consider, that after extension purchase of the user packages, you activate license file at first, before you execute the installation of the package.

Do you want to test temporarily the definite user packages? No problem! Contact your sales partner.

System Development

For particular processes, the purchase of a development license is required.  Please, consult with the headquarter of the Loy & Hutz Solutions GmbH, when you need such license.
