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Loy & Hutz

Import License


33.pngA fle with the extension  '*.LHLIC' is a license file created by the Loy & Hutz Solutions GmbH, which can expand the functionalities of your system. Your database might undergo some adjustments when installing the license file, for instance, when new tables have been activated in this process. Deactivate the option 'The available license file should be replaced', only when you are sure that an advanced option in a separate license file is to be additionally installed into your system. Consult your sales partner on this matter. 

License files used the file extension '.oppx' until waveware 11.170.1027. From the next version, a new format of the license files has been introduced, which offers increased security. Any existing license file must be updated to the new file format before updating. You will receive a message when trying to activate a data world with the old license file.

If you have not created a database when installing the license file, the system perceives it as a setup. During the latter, the database is created automatically and the minimum.sql file, which contains important user information and catalog entries and is indispensable for starting waveware, is imported. Then, all activated packages are installed. Read also the following section 'License Setup'.

License Setup

The installation with a license (*.lhlic) file makes it easier to create completely set up versions. While doing so, the license file is used as a basis to install the required packages together with the data environment. 

Please, note that the path to the Package Repository must be specified correctly during setup. 

If you have received a license file and want to use in your waveware installation all the functions activated in it, create a new Data World and save it correctly. Switch directly to the dialog box 'Import License' and select here the transmitted license data without creating a database structure, loading a backup, etc.


Click the button 'Import License File' and confirm the security query with 'Yes'. You will then be asked in a further notification whether demo data are to be imported for the packages during the setup. 


Demo data make it easier to handle packages during the test phase and give you many application examples. Once you have opted for or against the import of demo data, a complete installation of all packages activated in the license file starts. The packages are installed into a new database structure. During this, the file 'minimum.sql' which contains, for instance, important user information or catalog entries and is necessary for starting waveware, is also installed. You can activate and use the Data World as usual, once the license setup is completed. 

Import License
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