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Loy & Hutz

Export Data Structures



The structure of an available database can be output with the help of the function 'Export Data Structure', to be able to store the database structure with external service provider prior to a Data Export. All necessary information on your database is included there. The output can be done either in the CSV or XML format.

To be able to create an export directive, a database export is always needed in the XML format.


  • Path Configuration
    Specify a directory in this field, in which the data structure is to be exported. The output is done in form of a .zip-file, that is identified with the execution time of the process, so that the exports do not overwrite each other in the rule.
  • Export Data Structure as XML
    Specifies that XML format is to be used. A .defdb file is output per table, that corresponds to the internally used scheme file. However the original files are not used, but copy is created, that was filtered in accordance with the available license file. This XML-format is necessary, when an Export Directive is to be created.
  • Export Data Structure as CSV
    Enables the output in the CSV format. Independently of the selected setting (see below), the following information is output as character string separated by semicolon:
    • Table belongs to package: Name of the related packages with number in brackets, e.g.: "System (0)", "Medical Equipment (111)" etc.
    • Table number: Number of the exported table, e.g.: "3" for Appointments.
    • Table name: Used name of the table, e.g.: "Appointments" for table number 3.
    • Table name in the database: Internal names are used in the database, that are output at this point, e.g.: "T_TRANS3" for Appointments (3).
    • Field Identifier:  Unique ID in the table of a field, e.g. "13".
    • Field name: The name is broken down for the field identifier in this column, e.g.: "Appointment Status".
    • Column name: Internal field names are used in the table of the database, that are listed here, e.g.: "F18".
    • Field belongs to package: If fields are brought along from other packages, a distinction is created to the value with 'Table belongs to package' in this column, e.g.: "FM Management (103)".
    • Mandatory? / Unique? / Index? / Edit?: Moreover, each line specifies whether it is mandatory, a field content within the table must be unique, a field is indexed or may even be edited.The output can be either "Yes" or "No".
    • Catalog: If a field uses a catalog, it is listed in this column, with table name and number in brackets, e.g.: "Status (60)".
    • DEF catalog: As long as a Def catalog is used, the output is done at this point. The values are thus listed with key number; e.g.: "1: Low2: Medium3: High".
    • Field type: Returns the type of a field; e.g.: "String", "Catalog" etc.
    • Length: The length of a field, as long as it refers to 'String' in field type; e.g.: "255". "0" is output in all other field types.
    • Comment: As long as optional comment was specified, this is listed here.
    • Tags: Used field tags, the scheme "%Tag%=%Value%"; e,g.: "CopyToSubtrans448=864CopyToSubtrans449=864".
  • A row is generated per field, that contains the above mentioned information in order. A line always precedes the lines of the fields with empty field information, which symbolizes the table itself and outputs table tags for instance. The following settings for more detailed definition of the output is displayed, as long as the CSV format was activated:
    • A file per table
      A .csv-file was created for each table, that is output identified with the table number.
    • A file per package
      The output is done grouped by package: a .csv-file is generated for each package, that contains all related tables and is identified with the package number.
    • All in one file
      Outputs all tables in a all.csv-file.

Click on the button 'Export' to create a .zip-file with the required content in the specified directory. 

Export Data Structures
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