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Loy & Hutz

DataManagement PowerShell


The control and use of many functions of the waveware DataManagement is possible via the PowerShell. In addition, as of waveware 11.200.3805, the DataManagement client can be started with parameters set via the command line (CMD/terminal) and a login can be carried out. The following parameters are supported for this:

Parameter Description
autologon 1|0

If enabled ("1"), an automatic login is attempted with the specified values ​​(see below). No login dialog is displayed if the specified values ​​are valid. If the specified values ​​are invalid, an error will appear and the login dialog will be displayed.

usecustomizer 1|0

Indicates whether to use the customizer login. In this case, "1" must be transmitted.

customizername %Name%

Name of the customizer to be registered. Only required if "1" is transmitted for 'usecustomizer'.

password %Passwort%

Password of the submitted Customizer or for admin access.

server %Server% Computer name, FQDN or IP address of the waveware server.

Use the following line to set the customizer and password, for instance:

wavewaredatamanagement.exe -server -usecustomizer 1 -customizername Customizer1 -password geheim


The use of PowerShell Commandlets (Cmdlets) enables the use of many functions from DataManagement by means of textual commands. The command line call known from earlier versions (waveware <11.180) via wavewareDataManagementCmd.exe has been replaced by PowerShell cmdlets.

A cmdlet usually consists of three parts:

Verb-Noun [-Parameter list]

Verb and noun are separated by a hyphen and the optional parameter list is attached to the command. In waveware, all nouns must always be specified with the prefix "Wave". E.g.:

Import-WavePackage -InstallId Installation ...

The parameter list can be expanded for all commands according to the possible information for each command (see functions below). Many waveware PowerShell cmdlets also have the following default parameters:

  • DatamanagementCredential
    Username and password of the user in the DataManagement.
  • ForceLogin
    Specifies that existing sessions that use the same credentials are logged out.
  • Server
    The IP address or FQDN and, if applicable, port of the waveware server to be used.
You can call up compact help for each function by entering the parameter "?" append to the command, e.g. "Create-WaveBackup -?". In most cases, however, this parameter only provides an excerpt of the possible parameters. On the other hand, "Get-Help <command> -Full" gives you a complete overview for a function, e.g. "Get-Help Create-WaveBackup -Full". Alternatively, you can also display the parameters in a window. To do this, use "-ShowWindow" instead of "-Full" in the previous command, e.g. "Get-Help Create-WaveBackup -ShowWindow".

The available PowerShell cmdlets are located in the "" program library, which are located in the program directory after installing DataManagement (default: "C:\Programs\LoyHutz\DataManagement\Powershell"). In order to use the cmdlets, this DLL must be imported into the PowerShell with the following command:

Import-Module "C:\Programs\LoyHutz\DataManagement\Powershell\wavewareDatamanagementModule.psd1"

Alternatively, you can run the script “C:\Programs\LoyHutz\DataManagement\Powershell\LoadDatamanagementModule.ps1”.

The PowerShell can also be started with already imported waveware cmdlets via the Windows start menu (LoyHutz / waveware DataManagement PowerShell) or via the ribbon of an open DataManagement.


Versions: From waveware 11.200.3434 at least Windows PowerShell 7.3.1 is required. From waveware 11.200.6223 (February 2024) at least version 7.4.1. If necessary, an update can be downloaded from Microsoft.
When calling up the commandlets, the [Tab] key and the key combination [Ctrl]+[Space] are very helpful. With the [Tab] key you can e.g. scroll through the possible commands and parameters. Enter a verb and then press [Tab], the command is expanded with possible nouns. Another press of the key changes to the next noun, etc. If you press the key combination [Ctrl]+[Space] instead of tab, you get a short list of possible, complete commands and a hint on how to use them. Of course, you can also use both key combinations to complete commands.


Install Packages

The "Import-WavePackage" cmdlet can be used to install packages, which supports installation from both the local and online repositories.

Installation from Online Repository

The following parameters must be transferred to install packages from the online repository:

  • InstallId
    Specifies in which data world should be installed.
  • PackagesToInstall
    A comma-separated list of packages to be installed. Dependencies do not have to be taken into account in this list; dependent packages are installed automatically.
  • RepositoryCredential
    Access data to the online repository.

The following example installs the package with the number 1238 from the online repository with the access "LoyHutz":

Import-WavePackage -InstallId Installation -PackagesToInstall 1238 -RepositoryCredential LoyHutz

The dependent packages (1194 and 1196) required in this example are installed automatically.

Installation from Local Repository

The installation of packages from local repositories is only recommended if there is no access to the online repository. All packages to be installed and their dependent packages must be in a directory that can be specified during installation. If necessary, download the required packages from the portal ( in a and unzip the file into a local directory. In the directory there is now a subfolder with package number for each package that contains the program files.


Once the preparations have been completed, an address different from the online repository (in this case the local directory) can be specified using the 'Address' parameter.

  • InstallId
    Specifies in which data world should be installed.
  • PackagesToInstall
    A comma-separated list of packages to be installed. Dependencies do not have to be taken into account in this list; dependent packages are installed automatically.
  • Address
    Path to the local repository.

The following example installs the package with the number 1238 from the local repository:

Import-WavePackage -InstallId Installation -PackagesToInstall 1238 -Address C:\LokalesRepo -Verbose -DatamanagementCredential Administrator

The dependent packages (1194 and 1196) required in this example are installed automatically.

Uninstall Packages

If you want to uninstall packages, you can use the Remove-WavePackage cmdlet.

Remove-WavePackage -InstallId <string> -PackagesToRemove <int[]> -Server <string> -DatamanagementCredential <pscredential> -DmUser <string> -DmPassword <string> -ForceLogin -Session <SecurityToken> [<CommonParameters>]
  • InstallId
    Specifies in which data world the package(s) to be uninstalled is located.
  • PackagesToRemove
    A comma-separated list of packages to uninstall.
  • Server
    The IP address or FQDN and, if applicable, port of the waveware server to be used.
  • DataManagement credential
    User name and password of the user in DataManagement.
  • ForceLogin
    Specifies that existing sessions that use the same credentials will be logged out.

Manage Data World

You can also manage data worlds using PowerShell cmdlets.

Read Install IDs

The cmdlet 'Get-WaveInstallId' can be used to read out all data worlds known to a waveware server. The CmdLet returns a list of the data worlds. The list consists of objects that describe the data world and its configuration, e.g.:

Get-WaveInstallId -DatamanagementCredential Administrator -Server localhost -ForceLogin


Activate/Deactivate Install ID

A data world can be activated using the cmdlet verb 'Activate' or deactivated with 'Deactivate'. The following parameter is to be transferred:

  • InstallId
    Data world, the status of which is to be changed.
Activate-WaveInstallId -DatamanagementCredential Administrator -Server localhost -ForceLogin -InstallId waveware
DataManagement PowerShell
13 Changes