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Loy & Hutz

Log Files


The waveware system writes log files which protocol system events and errors in the background. The Apache log4net™ is used by the programs.

You will find more information on Apache log4net™ in the external documentation:

Log Directory

The generated log files are located in the user's temporary directory by default, under which an application is running. The sub-directory 'LoyHutz\Log' is created in this process:


Each application (Data Management, waveware FAT client etc.) creates its own file which, named according to the application process, constantly extends itself. You can call the particular path in the waveware Client or Data Management. Open the application menu (blue button at the top right) and click the button 'Info'.


The default Log directory can be changed by the particular application. These files are located directly with the executable files (*.exe) of the application and are named the same way, but they have the file extension *.config; e.g.:

  • wavewareServer.exe.config
    Configuration for the console version of the waveware server.
  • wavewareServerService.exe.config
    Configuration for the service of the waveware server.
  • waveware.exe.config
    Configuration for the waveware Client.
  • wavewareDatamanagement.exe.config
    Configuration for the DataManagement.

The content of this configuration files are located in the XML format and is divided into selections. The affected log setting is to be made with the section 'log4net'. The following example shoes the configuration of the waveware Client:

    <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
        <file value="${TEMP}\LoyHutz\Log\waveware_pid_[%processid].txt" type="log4net.Util.PatternString" />
        <rollingStyle value="Size" />
        <maxSizeRollBackups value="0" />
        <maximumFileSize value="80MB" />
        <appendToFile value="true" />
        <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
            <conversionPattern value="%date %level - %message%newline" />
        <level value="ALL" />
        <appender-ref ref="RollingFileAppender" />

This area can be customized upon request. For that, the external documentation on log4net™ is to be considered.

After adjusting the log behavior, you should consider that when updating the application, the *.config file is overwritten by the default settings! After a program update, changes on the configuration files are to be restored manually.

Below are examples for typical standard application scenarios:

  • waveware Server
    The waveware server protocols events in the file 'wavewareServer.txt' by default. In general, the waveware server service is executed under the system user 'System' or 'Local System'. This system user does not have a profile directory in Windows, that is why the global temporary directory is used:

If the waveware server uses another login, the profile directory of the user is logged as a rule (following example with user 'AMustermann'):

  • In addition to the 'wavewareServer.txt', the waveware server protocols the execution of independent processes in own files, e.g. events of the server beat in 'wavewareServerBeat.txt'.
    • Tasks
      Information and errors, that occur in tasks to be processes, are logged in the 'wavewareServerTask.txt'.
    • Performance Counter
      Periodically, the waveware server outputs parameters (so called Performance-Counter) in the log file 'wavewareServerPerformance.txt', that enable output over the runtime behavior. Further information under 'Performance Measurement: Performance Counter'.
    • Beat
      The server beat, if activated, periodically executes actions. In this way, for example nightly data matching/import are implemented daily. Information on that is logged in the log file 'wavewareServerBeat.txt'.
    • SAML
      The waveware server writes actions, that are executed by SAML Single Sign-On, in the file 'wavewareServerSaml.txt'. Further information can be found in the article 'Single Sign-On with SAML'.
    • SNMP
      If the system function 'SNMP' has been activated, the waveware server writes the file 'wavewareServerSnmp.txt'. More information under 'SNMP'.
    • Rights Modifications
      The Rights Management generates the file 'wavewareServerSecurity.txt', that is located near the log file of the waveware server as a rule. Further information on this special log file can be found under 'Rights Management: Logging and Rights Modifications'.
    • Database
      Actions that are implemented in the database, are recorded in the log file 'wavewareSql.txt'.
  • waveware DataManagement
    Path to the Log file 'wavewareDatamanagement_pid_[%Prozess-ID%].txt' of the DataManagement, that was started by the user 'AMustermann':
    The process ID is listed in the file name of the log file by default, that varies per each program start. The file name can be adjusted in the configuration file of the DataManagement.
    • Package Installation and Update
      For a package installation or update, you will also find the HTML files of the summaries next to the 'wavewareDatamanagement.txt'. In order to clearly file these summaries, the names of the files are given according to the following scheme:
      "wavewarePackageManager%yy_MM_dd_hh_mm_ss%". For the user 'AMustermann', the following files are stored at 10:36:31 on 12.09.2017:
    • System Update (Data World and System Package)
      Similar to a package update, summary log files are also generated in HTML format during a system update. You can find them next to the 'wavewareDatamanagement.txt', named after the following schemes: "wavewareUpgrade%ddMMyyyhhmm%". 'AMustermann' has accordingly created the following file on 12.09.2017 10:44:
  • waveware FAT Client
    Path to the log file 'waveware_pid_[%Prozess-ID%].txt' of the waveware Client, that was started by the user 'AMustermann':
    The process ID is listed in the file name of the log file by default, that varies per each program start. The file name can be adjusted in the configuration file of the waveware Client.
  • CAD-DGN/DWG Import
    If a CAD-DGN or DWG import was executed, the log files 'dgnImport.txt' and/or 'dwgImport.txt' are in the directory of the client log files:


The log files are all written in the following format by default:

%UTC-DATE% %UTC-ZEIT% %Category (INFO/ERROR)% - %Report%

In this way, you can see when the log entry was created and whether it is information or an error report. Note that not every notification categorized as an error indicates a critical problem. 

File 'wavewareDatamanagement.txt' in case of an attempt to activate a data world:
2015-02-23 16:52:43,247 ERROR - unable to activate installid - InstallId konnte nicht aktiviert werden
2015-02-23 16:52:42,986 INFO - executing dm command: activateinstallid - es wird versucht die InstallId zu aktivieren
The format can be set by the configuration files of the applications like the log directory.
Log Files
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