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    LTS versions 11.200


    Support: 14.04.2025


    Date: 14.02.2025, Global version: 67144

    This version is an extended release of release 11.200.6798.93 with important bug fixes. Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technische Änderungen

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2412-00328 Fehlerkorrektur CAD Die Nutzung von Symbol-Aktionen im CAD-Viewer konnte zu einem Memory Leak führen. Bei jeder Aktion stieg der genutzte Arbeitsspeicher im Windows-Client schnell um je 200 MB auf mehrere GB an, was zu Performanceeinbußen führte. Korrigiert.


    TN-2412-00328: Fix memory leak.


    Date: 28.01.2025, Global version: 66352

    This version is an extended release of release 11.200.6798.90 with important bug fixes. Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2412-00139 Fehlerkorrektur Auswahl Bei Selektionen mit dem Auswahlfilter "leer" bzw. "nicht leer" kam es zu unerwarteten Ergebnissen, wenn sich leere Zeichenfolgen im Filterfeld befanden. Der Filter erwartete NULL als Wert in der Datenbank, wenn nach "leer" gefiltert wurde. Korrigiert
    TN-2411-00862 Fehlerkorrektur CAD Wurde eine Zeichnung über den CAD-Import erneut eingelesen, um einen bestehenden Import zu aktualisieren, wurden zwar Informationen zu Stempeln usw. übertragen, jedoch gingen Symbolverknüpfungen verloren. Korrigiert
    TN-2410-00249 Fehlerkorrektur Custom Pages Feldrechte wurden in 'CatalogControls' der Custom Pages nicht richtig überprüft. Korrigiert
    TN-2412-00337 Fehlerkorrektur Drucken Beim Kartendruck war die Sortierung von Listen, die z. B. mit Arbeitsschritten gefüllt in ein LL-Druckformular eingebunden wurden, nicht immer korrekt. Korrigiert
    TN-2412-00077 Fehlerkorrektur Mobile Bei Verwendung des Bausteins 'BrowserDialog' kam es zu unerwartetem Verhalten, indem Felder gelöscht wurden. Korrigiert
    TN-2410-00624 Fehlerkorrektur OPC Referenzierte Pakete wurden aktualisiert, um ein sicherheitsrelevantes Update mit mittlerer Einstufung zu implementieren. Es wird empfohlen auf diese Version zu aktualisieren. Korrigiert
    TN-2412-00547 Fehlerkorrektur Vorgänge Bei einer bestimmten Konfiguration von Datenlokalitäten konnte beim Speichern von Bewegungen in Zusammenhang mit dem Systempaket 'Vorgänge' (1770) ein Fehler auftreten: "Datensatz kann nicht gespeichert werden: ExecuteNonQuery ..." Korrigiert


    TN-2412-00547: Package 1770: Fixed an issue that prevented the creation of new catalog entries.
    TN-2412-00337: Fix an issue with sorting of successors in List&Label print.
    TN-2412-00139: Fix selection execution with null/not null comparison (Fix for TN-2312-00526 does not work properly any more).
    TN-2412-00077: Fix record serialization in grpc wrappers.
    TN-2411-00862: Fix purging of symbol geometry when deleting a drawing.
    TN-2410-00624: OPC package updated due to security updates/issues.
    TN-2410-00249: Fix wrong fieldRights check in customPages CatalogControls.
    TN-2404-02613: Fix the customPage date and time controls to respect the parameter api.EnableyKeybardInput.


    Date: 30.10.2024, Global version: 64408

    This version is an extended release of release 11.200.6798.84 with important bug fixes. Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2409-13557 Fehlerkorrektur CAD Es konnte vorkommen, dass teilweise keine Stempel mit mehrdeutigen Entity-IDs in der Zeichengruppe angezeigt wurden. Korrigiert
    TN-2410-00586 Fehlerkorrektur DataManagement Bei der Erstellung neuer Datenwelten kam es zu einem Fehler bei der Verbindungsherstellung zum Datenbankserver. Korrigiert


    TN-2410-00586: Check db server connection with correct connectionstring.
    TN-2409-13557: Show stamps with non unique entityIds in drawing group.


    Date: 27.09.2024, Global Version: 63462

    This version is an extended release of release 11.200.6798.74 with important bug fixes. Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2408-00394 Bug Fix DataManagement

    When deleting records via DataManagement, a network error occurred, which subsequently caused DataManagement to crash.

    TN-2408-00391 Bug Fix DataManagement

    After duplicating data worlds (e.g. to an Offline Data World), it could happen that the data world was not subsequently displayed in DataManagement, even though the duplication was successful and the data directory was present.

    TN-2405-00829 Bug Fix Designer

    If a new field was created, added to a card and the changes were then imported while the waveware Windows client was open with the customised card and an automatic logout took place, it could happen that entries were made in the new field after re-logging into the Windows client were emptied.

    TN-2407-00285 Bug Fix Offline

    In an Offline Data World, when printing, it could happen that no print menu was displayed, but a system error.

    TN-2407-00150 Bug Fix Web

    An error occurred when a selection was made with "Apply filter recursively to entire tree".



    TN-2409-02068: Fix null reference exception in comparing post import rules arguments.
    TN-2408-00486: Corrected determination of status terms from DefCat tags.
    TN-2408-00394: Use correct database driver to delete tables.
    TN-2408-00391: Fix crash on duplicate installid function in dm because of emtpy installidview.
    TN-2408-00391: Show errors if any and use correct installid to duplicate.
    TN-2408-00151: IsRecordInFilter brick refactoring to allow filters on other fields than of record table only.
    TN-2407-00307: Print - PrintFormCardPicker resolves wrong table numbers, if...
    TN-2407-00285: Add printwebcontextmanager to offline bootstrapper.
    TN-2407-00224: WebWave selection multi add transes with utranses fixed.
    TN-2407-00150: Make instance field static in EmptyCadBricks api.
    TN-2405-00829: Clear StateTableData during designer changes t prevents errors...
    TN-2403-01588 Selection: Fixed error when running selection with 'apply filter to whole tree recursively'.


    Date: 05.07.2024, Global version: 61606

    This version is an extended release of release 11.200.6798.68 with important bug fixes. Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2407-00026 Bug Fix CAD

    If the CAD viewer was in selection mode and a specific room was opened from it, it could happen that not the correct room was displayed, but another one from a completely different floor plan.

    TN-2406-01376 Bug Fix Web

    If a new selection was created in waveware Web and saved, an error message appeared.

    TN-2406-00709 Bug Fix DataManagement

    When unpacking the MSI installation packages using 'wavewareClientExtract.cmd', the, which contains the data world by default, was created empty.

    TN-2406-00541 Bug Fix Web

    If the filter of a selection was changed in waveware Web and the change was not saved before execution, it could happen that multi-operations that you only carry out for all records in the monitor list were instead applied to all records in the table. Example: Standard filter of the object type 'Room', which in the initial state determines all records ("Room ID not empty"), adapted so that only one record is output in the monitor list. In this monitor list open 'Multi', 'More actions' and e.g. Apply Currency Field Recalculation to all records in the monitor list. A message then appeared that the rule was executed for all records in the table, instead of just the one filtered record in the monitor list.



    TN-2407-00026: Fix hit detection.
    TN-2406-01376: Selection Webwave: Error fixed caused by fixes for TN-2406-00541.
    TN-2406-00709: Add to waveware client setup, because its needed for offline.
    TN-2406-00541: WebWave: Execution and multi action on selection with changed filter fixed. Execution of import fixed.


    Date: 04.06.2024, Global version: 61002

    This version is an extended release of release 11.200.6798.62 with important bug fixes. Please note that when updating an LTS version, a data world update should always be performed as well (Special Feature of the Data World Update).

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2405-00851 Bug Fix CAD

    In the CAD viewer it could happen that content was reloaded several times, e.g. records were changed and then saved.

    TN-2405-00849 Bug Fix Web

    In the object selection dialog, which is used specifically for mirror transactions, it may not be possible to insert content into the search field. Manual entry could result in a crash.

    TN-2405-02035 Bug Fix Web

    When creating an appointment series, it could happen that the start date from the 'Appointment' card was not included in the series dialog.


    Known Problems

    Ticket No. Area Datum Description Solution
    TN-2406-00541 Web, Selection 19.06.24

    If the filter of a selection is changed in waveware Web and the change is not saved before execution, it can happen that multi-operations that you only perform on all records in the monitor list are instead applied to all records in the table. Example: Standard filter of the object type 'Room', which in the initial state determines all records ("Room ID not empty"), adapted so that only one record is output in the monitor list. In this monitor list open 'Multi', 'More actions' and e.g. Apply Currency Field Recalculation to all records in the monitor list. The message then appears that the rule was executed for all records in the table, instead of just the one filtered record in the monitor list.

    Save the changes to the selection filter in waveware Web before executing the selection or a multi-operation.
    Will be fixed in next release.


    TN-2405-02035, WebWave: set start date in series dialog.
    TN-2405-00851: Stop refresh one of the refresh processes.
    TN-2405-00849: WebWave - removed overlay on object selector dialog input.
    TN-2405-00733: Only one field per id is allowed. Remove all duplicate fields in importsettings.
    TN-2401-00346: include all def-Worlds in transportorder if bim data is excluded.


    Date: 15.05.2024, Global version: 60532

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2404-03346 Bug Fix CAD

    Zooming on block references could cause a crash during CAD-DWG import.

    TN-2404-03147 Bug Fix CAD

    If the current schema was deleted during the CAD import and switching back to the 'Schemes' tab, this could lead to a crash.

    TN-2405-00016 Bug Fix CAD

    If you clicked on a room other than the one currently open in the CAD viewer, the card would not open.

    TN-2401-00312 Bug Fix ClickOnce

    If ClickOnce was called with a link that contained a hyphen in the install ID, the process was aborted with an error message.

    Fixed, using a hyphen "-" or underscore "_" is no longer a problem

    TN-2401-00787 Bug Fix Building Block

    The 'Coding.Web.Server.GetRequestIpAddress' building block could not read the IP address as expected.

    TN-2405-00316 Bug Fix SVO

    A change in process communication meant that the server was no longer included in the list of informed processes for certain actions.  In this case, a call to all processes to clear the SVO cache was not registered by the server.

    TN-2404-03306 Bug Fix Cards

    The tab jump did not work correctly in connection with fields that were displayed based on rules. For example, if a previously hidden field was displayed on the card depending on a field in which an entry was made, this field was not taken into account when a tab jump was made.


    Known Problems

    Ticket No. Area Date Description Solution
    TN-2406-00541 Web, Selection 19.06.24 If the filter of a selection is changed in waveware Web and the change is not saved before execution, it can happen that multi-operations that you only perform on all records in the monitor list are instead applied to all records in the table. Example: Standard filter of the object type 'Room', which in the initial state determines all records ("Room ID not empty"), adapted so that only one record is output in the monitor list. In this monitor list open 'Multi', 'More actions' and e.g. Apply Currency Field Recalculation to all records in the monitor list. The message then appears that the rule was executed for all records in the table, instead of just the one filtered record in the monitor list. Save the changes to the selection filter in waveware Web before executing the selection or a multi-operation.
    Will be fixed in next release.


    TN-2405-00016: Fix graphical navigation by double click in viewer.
    TN-2404-03306: Update source while navigating with keyboard in TableSelector.
    TN-2401-00787: Add missing implementation of RemoteIpAddress in KestrelWebRequest.
    TN-2401-00312: Add support for installids with - and _ in ClickOnceMapper.


    Date: 19.04.2024, Global version: 59962

    Technical Changes

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Area Description Solution / New Feature
    TN-2402-00037 Extension Cards

    Texts in the card tab (document window) were previously not displayed completely depending on their length, but were shortened dynamically.

    The new Supervisor Option "Show tab text completely" can be used to ensure that the text in the card tab (e.g. object name) is not shortened.
    QM JF 05.04.24 Change Setup The 'wavewareServer64.msi', which installed the waveware server in previous versions, has been renamed to 'wavewareServer.msi'. The functionality is unchanged. An update of the waveware server can be carried out as usual. If you use scripts for automated installation, adjust them with regard to the new file name.
    QM/SA 12.04.24 Change LTS This release is an LTS version (Long Term Support) that includes 12 months of critical security updates. LTS versions are particularly interesting for companies that need stability in their IT system and are less interested in the latest functions. Going forward, LTS versions will be released at 6-month intervals (October 2024, April 2025, October 2025, etc.) and will receive critical security updates every 12 months. This way you only have to perform a major update once a year to be able to safely operate the version with a few smaller updates. Further information under 'Version Scheme and Support Duration'.
    TN-2402-00412 Bug Fix Selection A filter line can optionally be displayed in a monitor list. If a filter value was selected from a catalog, you had to click in the filter field again after selecting the value in order to apply the value. Fixed: Filter values ​​selected from a catalog are applied directly.
    TN-2402-00970 Bug Fix DMS If automatic check-in/check-out is activated in document management, an access error could occur when opening checked-out files. The file could then not be opened in read-only mode. Fixed
    TN-2403-00514 Bug Fix Cards If a value was selected from the catalog for a catalog field in the waveware Windows Client, then removed from the field and then selected again via the catalog, the field remained empty. Fixed
    TN-2403-01034 Bug Fix Cards

    When opening a tool window for the first time (navigator, DMS, tags, CAD, etc.) it could happen that the card was distorted or displayed narrowly/greatly reduced in size. In this case, the layout was saved and displayed again and again.
    This error only affected users who had newly installed waveware 11.200.6223 (released in February) or 11.200.6479 (released in March) and could be circumvented by deleting the card settings (ribbon: 'Extras' / 'Delete settings').

    TN-2402-01181 Bug Fix Clients Client groups enable summarized displays of records from all clients that have been assigned to the group. Client groups that contained at least one inactive client were not displayed correctly for other active clients in the group. Fixed
    TN-2403-00410 Bug Fix Rights When assigning roles to users via the rights management dialog, roles with very long or compound names were difficult to identify because these names were cut off in the dialog. Fixed: The rights management dialog has been revised so that the lists of assigned and available roles adjust to the window size.

    Innovations and Extensions in the Application Packages

    Ticket No. Type of the Change Application Package (Package Number) Description
    GR Innovation Collective Object (1916) With the help of the 'Collective Object' package, various objects can be grouped together for a common ATA process. Its operations are then transferred to the individual objects that belong to the collective object. Time and costs from the ATA process of the collective object can be distributed among the individual objects. With the help of this package, similar appointments can be bundled into one appointment and only this appointment can be processed, for instance.
    GR Innovation Waste Management (1944) The soon-to-be-released 'Waste Management' package records waste containers with precise data on waste types (European Waste Catalog EWC), location, quantities and other information. The counter function is used to record waste quantities. The evaluations provided give an overview of the waste balance.

    Known Problems

    Ticket No. Area Description Solution
    TN-2404-03346 CAD

    Zooming to block references may cause a crash during CAD-DWG import.

    Will be fixed in next release.
    TN-2404-03147 CAD

    If the current schema is deleted during CAD import and switching back to the 'Schemes' tab, this can lead to a crash.

    Will be fixed in next release.
    TN-2405-00316 SVO

    A change in process communication meant that the server was no longer included in the list of informed processes for certain actions.  In this case, a call to all processes to clear the SVO cache was not registered by the server.

    Will be fixed in the next regular release, but also in a previously released extended release.

    TN-2406-00541 Web, Selection If the filter of a selection is changed in waveware Web and the change is not saved before execution, it can happen that multi-operations that you only perform on all records in the monitor list are instead applied to all records in the table. Example: Standard filter of the object type 'Room', which in the initial state determines all records ("Room ID not empty"), adapted so that only one record is output in the monitor list. In this monitor list open 'Multi', 'More actions' and e.g. Apply Currency Field Recalculation to all records in the monitor list. The message then appears that the rule was executed for all records in the table, instead of just the one filtered record in the monitor list. Save the changes to the selection filter in waveware Web before executing the selection or a multi-operation.
    Will be fixed in next release.


    TN-2404-02926: Dependencies have been updated because of known vulnerabilities.
    TN-2404-02532: Fix null reference on double clicking symbol.
    TN-2404-01983: Hide polygon if there isn't symbol name.
    TN-2404-01745: Offline InfoButton crash fix.
    TN-2404-01529: Refactor ScriptCache to DI instead of static singleton.
    TN-2404-01529: When ScriptCache is resetted all script runtimes have to be resetted too to clear up TableCache.
    TN-2404-01529: Remove usage of ServerBasedScriptSourceLoader since it cannot be used on client side anymore.
    TN-2404-01310: UX - rename action, new record to new.
    TN-2404-01279: Offline login fix.
    TN-2404-01252: Remove only session of the current installid.
    TN-2404-01232: WebWave/UX - fix template check in cards.
    TN-2404-01196: WebWave/UX - fix mirror trans creation.
    TN-2404-00838: Check if Current is null.
    TN-2404-00611: Fix scaling of legend in user rectangle for PDF.
    TN-2404-00205: Add missing dependency for mobile offline.
    TN-2404-00130: Assign true to ForceInit.
    TN-2404-00052: WebWave/UX - improve performance.
    TN-2404-00046: Fix debug message in SetFieldValuesWithErrorList.
    TN-2404-00043: Fix broken BaseServiceClientGrpcWrapper and remove unused local resp object.
    TN-2404-00043: Return UnlimitedLicense on Debug mode if no license is returned from Server (UnlimitedLicense cannot be serialized).
    TN-2404-00043: Remove article license checks (we don't use that license type).
    TN-2403-02056: Print/Reporting - WebReportDesigner is not shown. Added...
    TN-2403-01821: Calendar - WebWave, an error is shown after creating an Trans from Calendar.
    TN-2403-01805: Fix transes without fid 11 in calendar.
    TN-2403-01676: Remove duplicate update step; check db table existing; correct sql statements.
    TN-2403-01676: Check if table is existing; allow step execution on all databases.
    TN-2403-01676: Clear license cache after backup restore.
    TN-2403-01649: Limit size of CAD schema dialog to screen resolution.
    TN-2403-01563: Fix backup restore in
    TN-2403-00803: Fixed cacheclear in sbk.
    TN-2403-00705: Clear serverside cache after rolelist change of user.
    TN-2403-00655: Only add tag if it is not already existing.
    TN-2403-00619: Resized user image to be more accurate to the prototype.
    TN-2403-00618: Corrected German translations in Accessibility Center.
    TN-2403-00562: Mark new range on staff card as visible.
    TN-2403-00557: Issue with running Selection from SC.
    TN-2403-00552: Fix popup covering subsequent pages in ios, catalog search issue.
    TN-2403-00514: Run card update before opening catalog window.
    TN-2403-00496: Do not convert databaseitem name to upper; Force using of case...
    TN-2403-00492: Implement alternative email for mdm setup as recipient for logs.
    TN-2403-00457: Reporting - Preview/Designer not working in web/ux-Client, when customPages are used in same browser-session.
    TN-2403-00410: Allow roles to be dropped outside the grid.
    TN-2403-00410: Redesign the user tab in RightManagement window.
    TN-2403-00393: WebWave/UX: Fixed issue when executing partly loaded selection from a rule which used ChangeSelection brick to only change field- or filterset.
    TN-2403-00382: Assist. Fix updating value of multi selector (UX).
    TN-2403-00370: Added BasedOn-Property to Package-Config, along with a gui to set it.
    TN-2403-00355 - UX: fix save when navigator is opened.
    TN-2403-00323: Package 1825 - fixed a bug wit the task widget.
    TN-2403-00319: Add snippetSettingKey picker brick and updated package.
    TN-2403-00319: UX - fix transList sorting.
    TN-2403-00318: Assist. Fix showing child tags in the tags layout (UX).
    TN-2403-00295: Fix 'refresh dms' brick.
    TN-2403-00294: Fix bug, changed digits or precision in the Designer are not...
    TN-2403-00241: Fixed nested menu arrow direction to match the side the menu is opening to.
    TN-2403-00237: Aligned buttons in Dialog Message Box.
    TN-2403-00235: Card Field Group Header Update.
    TN-2403-00233: Snippet Tooltip Issue.
    TN-2403-00222: Assist. Fix hiding overlay (mobile).
    TN-2403-00221: Date Field Format Fix.
    TN-2403-00219: Fix exception in dashboard when settings are empty.
    TN-2403-00202: WebWave/UX - fix CardBricks.ShowCard in Card.Saved.
    TN-2403-00178: Webwave/UX - fix record field messages.
    TN-2403-00166: Fix SVO options.
    TN-2403-00160_WidgetStore: Added function call that changes label and description for widget store buttons based on user language.
    TN-2403-00156: Assist. Fix update of search inputs (UX).
    TN-2403-00151: Assist. Filter out passed null elements (web, UX).
    TN-2403-00149: UX - add controlIds to settingsManagement and smaller fixes.
    TN-2403-00136: Print Settings Saving Bug Fix.
    TN-2403-00132: UX - fix rule args in legacy card rules.
    TN-2403-00125 - issue in UxActionApi.CreateAutomaticRefreshButtonGroup:...
    TN-2403-00118: Change DisplayName of old SetStandardButton to SetStandardButtonOld.
    TN-2403-00115: WebWave/UX - add isCurrent flag to event queues.
    TN-2403-00112: Field Value Update Bug Fix.
    TN-2403-00035: Fix postgres errors when filtering selections.
    TN-2403-00030: Assist. Add new brick to update a text element.
    TN-2403-00029: Correct error in postgres while changing field right permissions for a Role.
    TN-2403-00026: Add check to avoid null reference error.
    TN-2402-01212: Crosstab / fix full-row & full-column change, improve code.
    TN-2402-01202: WebWave FreeSql issues.
    TN-2402-01184: Dispose possible update requests in ToolWindows.
    TN-2402-01181: Show client group even if one of its clients is inactive.
    TN-2402-01165: UX snippet - refactored snippet without menuButtons.
    TN-2402-01153: Create new brick RefreshRecordList.
    TN-2402-01113: UX - fix color for focusedElement and searchbar and loginButton...
    TN-2402-01106: Show all layers from layer group view.
    TN-2402-01083: Fix displaying dropdown items in application menu.
    TN-2402-01069: Universal selection: Improved message if a user has no select right for any transaction table, but global right for Universal selection has been given.
    TN-2402-01062: UX - color contrast and readibility for tags in DMS and Tags widget.
    TN-2402-01059: Fix exception in designer when cell is not found on trans right click.
    TN-2402-01053: UX - fix selection columnMenu style.
    TN-2402-01047: Update series clear text in series dialog when series definition is being changed.
    TN-2402-01037: Apply and keep login lang query url argument.
    TN-2402-01034: Disabled Yes No Fields Bug Fix.
    TN-2402-01017: WebWave/UX - fix BaseApiDefinition.KeyValuePairsToDictionary.
    TN-2402-00998: Package 1770: fixed a problem in multilang systems.
    TN-2402-00970: Fix for opening checked out files when automatic checkin/out is active.
    TN-2402-00951: Error message appears and app crashes when searching with QR in object card. TN-2402-00950: Fix qr search on card search, selection, pages.
    TN-2402-00901: WebWave/UX - refresh monitorlist without windowcontext.
    TN-2402-00887: Selection monitorlist UX: Adjust column width to content fix.
    TN-2402-00886: Fix updating field states when switching between edit mode and view mode.
    TN-2402-00870: Adjusted Height property as mentioned in ticket description.
    TN-2402-00842: Fix opening memo page when field has value and is disabled.
    TN-2402-00824: Assist. Hide unique id of the record in the drop-down list of search inputs (UX).
    TN-2402-00715: Rework of the loading-functions for svo-structures.
    TN-2402-00714: Show message when the user hasn't access.
    TN-2402-00703: Fix refreshing catalog search page.
    TN-2402-00650: Assist. Unify the behavior when update rule returns false (web, UX).
    TN-2402-00649: Symbol visible depends on svo options.
    TN-2402-00638: Use statetable keys for record identification.
    TN-2402-00638: Update amount of records on card header if record was created with a wizard.
    TN-2402-00623: Mandatory Field Bug Fixes.
    TN-2402-00598: Series generator fixed: Changing the series start date must not...
    TN-2402-00555: UX - fix scroll in actionMenu.
    TN-2402-00412: Execute filter immediately when the catalog value is selected.
    TN-2402-00379: Fix pie chart visibility.
    TN-2402-00037: Add new svo for card tab title.
    TN-2402-00037: Add new supervisoroption to show the complete window title.
    TN-2401-01059: WebWave: FreeSqlDialog issues.
    TN-2401-00747_UX: Fixed bug where scrolling in Action Menus would close them.
    TN-2401-00747: Fixed Checkbox Tooltip Bug.
    TN-240: UX styling fixes - Notifications menu.
    TN-2312-00526: Selection execution: Manual unittests fixed after change of IS NULL/IS NOT NULL handling.
    TN-2312-00268: Fix disposing of Webservice client object, use latest System.ServiceModel thats compatible with Xamarin.
    TN-2311-01171: UX - fix show selected menu item in nestedMenu.
    TN-2311-00719: UX - fix for menuOpeners.
    TN-2311-00719: UX actionMenu - fix for hidden menuItems.
    TN-2311-00661_UX: Refactored some System Action Menu method names to be more semantically correct.
    TN-2310-00604: Fixed duplicated catalog dialog window.
    TN-2309-00314: Fix updating viewer on switching card.
    TN-2308-00541: Fixed standard operating procedure resolution button.
    TN-2308-00541: Test step dialog allows insertion of standard operating...
    TN-2308-00541: Resolve procedures.
    TN-2302-00909: Package 1861: Added "legacy" vFM-hotkeys.