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Loy & Hutz

Global Rights


Global authorizations, which refer to a particular package, can be assigned here.



Authorization Outcome

User gets all authorizations. These are automatically set in the list.

Right-click on the column header (Yes/No) and select 'Change rights for this column' from the context menu to remove all authorizations.



A user with restricted rights can

  • open Rights Management
  • see the user of its clients
  • assign roles
  • reset passwords of other users
  • create new users, where he may edit the fields 'User type' (Field ID 795), 'Domain user' (Field ID 798) and 'Password' (Field ID 841)

A user with this right may not

  • assign the Role 'Supervisor' ((because a user with this right cannot distribute higher rights)
  • access the area 'Roles' in the Rights Management

The assignment of roles to clients is done through the Client Authorizations. A role can be assigned to several clients in this way.

Set up user in waveware Allows a user to to set up another user in waveware. If the tick is not set, the user does not see the fields 'User Type', 'User Access', 'Domain User', 'Password' and 'DEF World' on the staff card in the area 'Program User Settings'.
Use Notifications If enabled, the Notifications window will be offered. Further information under 'Notifications'.
Move transactions Allows to move the transactions to other objects. 
Use CustomPages Allows the access to CustomPages.
Field Assignments When importing test data, displays the 'Field Assignments' button, which can be used to assign imported field contents.
Show icon 'Search' in the menu area The icon for opening the search function is available to the user in the menu area.
AI Functions User gets access to analysis functions of an AI server (if set up).
Save log files Enables to save the info overview, which can be called up in the program menu at the top left, in a file.
Navigator: Use Navigator can be used.
Reset password Allows  a user to reset the password of another user. This is initiated through the Rights Management. Hence, the right to access must assert the Rights Management (see above).
Rights Management The user is allowed to manage rights
Enable Support Session User can start support queries via the Info Menu (button 'Support Session').
Start Windows processes on server Allows a user to start Windows applications or processes running on the waveware server.
Start Windows processes Allows a user to run applications / processes under Windows that are started via the waveware client.


Global authorizations for the data selection.

Authorization Outcome
Execute Selection

Right to use the selection in principle. In addition, the rights 'view' and 'select' must exist for the tables affected by the selection. 'Monitor List' is automatically available as the output type. At the start of the selection, the selections, lists and filters (=Selection Components) are loaded that are available to the user personally or for one of his roles. These selection components can be processed or edited but not saved. The 'Availability' area is not visible.

Edit Selection Enables a user to create, edit or delete the selections, lists and filters that exist for him personally or that are available to him according to the roles assigned to him.
Edit selection personally Personal available selection components can be edited/saved or deleted.
Selection and Import: edit names of the components in all languages Enables the display and setting of the names in selection and import components for different languages. Without this right, they are displayed only in the Language of the user.
Show Selection icon in menu area If this right is set, the basic data selection can be opened in which new selections can be created or existing ones edited.
If the right is not granted, after clicking the button, instead of the data selection, a pop-up menu with selections enabled for the service coordinator is shown.
Selection: Prevent logout from the server in the event of an automatic refresh Activates the checkbox 'Prevent logout' in the properties of the Selection/List area, with which the time-controlled automatic logout from the server can be prevented.
Selection: Output type BIM User can transfer data to BIM.
Selection: Output type CAD Right to use the output type 'CAD'. For this, the necessary CAD components must be installed.
Selection: Output type File Right to output selection data in files in the formats CSV, Excel and LH format or in a Client Export.
Selection: Output type Diagram Allows selection data to be output in various types of diagrams..
Selection: Output type Print Allows selection data to be printed, e.g. in lists or forms.
Selection: Output type Calendar Allows selection data to be displayed in the calendar.
Selection: Output type Safety Tester A user may output selection data to a safety tester.
Selection: Execute FreeSQL Selection Enables the execution of FreeSQL Selections.
Selection: Execute selection combi selections Activate the function Combi Selections, which you can find under Extras > combi selections in the ribbon. Moreover, the right 'Output Type File' must exist for that.
Selection: Use selection lists aggregate functions Enables the application of the aggregate functions in the Lists. Already saved lists with aggregate functions can be used.
Selection: Edit Service Coordinator The user can gather the selections in the Service Coordinator or remove from there.
Selection: Run universal-selection Specifies, whether the user may select universally.
Selection: Show table and field IDs In the 'Filter' and 'List' areas of the selection, the respective IDs are displayed behind the available tables and fields in brackets so that tables and fields can be identified better. The right only needs to be obtained for roles that require this view.
Selection: Edit availability The user can edit availability in all selection components (selections, lists or filters).
Selection: Edit Multi Rules Availability User can define the availability for multi rules, which are provided under 'Further actions'. Buttons for defining standard components are available and the 'Availability' area is visible.
Edit selection components of another user Allows a user to create, edit, delete, and make other selection settings for Selections, Lists, Filters and Outputs for another user. The authorized user virtually takes over the selection rights of the other user in order to set their Selection Components or to use the Component Filer on the Availability.


Authorization Outcome
BIM Allows a user to use the BIM interface.
Use BIM interface Allows a user to use the BIM interface.
Show BIM tool window Shows the BIM tool window to the user with this right.


The necessary CAD components must always be installed for this.

Authorization Outcome
CAD - start import Grants the authorization to import drawings.
CAD: Edit CAD symbols in drawings Allows you to move, rotate, or scale CAD symbols in drawings.
CAD - import geometry Allows to import geometry when importing drawings.
CAD - show tool window for the cards If this setting is activated, an additional tool window shows more details on drawings on the card.


Authorization Outcome

Allows a user to edit all existing dashboards. (Dashboard Administrator)

Newly created dashboards are initially only visible to the creator if the availability has not been extended. This right also enables a view of personal dashboards and should be granted carefully.

Dashboard: Edit Availability Users can see and edit dashboards that are available for their own roles and set availability within these roles
Edit dashboards personally User can edit dashboards, which are exclusively assigned to him personally.
View dashboards User can view fundamentally all dashboards, which are assigned to him or to an assigned role.
[Edit dashboards]

Allows a user to edit dashboards, which are exclusively assigned to him personally or to an assigned role.

This right is no longer evaluated; it can be still shown (also in the following versions). This right was disabled to prevent accidental editing or deleting dashboards. Dashboards can be edited, only when the user was assigned personal authorizations (Availability). The creator of a dashboard automatically gets this authorization.


Authorizations Outcome
Use DMS Allows the application of the Document Management System.
DMS: checkout when other users make undone Gives a user right to reset the checked out documents by other users.
DMS: source file can be automatically deleted after the check in Activates the relevant option in the check in dialog. This allows the user to automatically remove the source file, for example, from the local system after checking in.


Authorizations Outcome
Print: Edit print form for all own roles The creation, editing or deleting is possible for staff print form or for print form in roles, that are assigned to the user.
The corresponding table rights for form generator, selection and possibly FreeSQL are required for this
Print: Email with PDF Specifies, whether the Print Output 'E-Mail with PDF' can be executed.
Print: Edit print form of another user Allows a user to create, edit or delete all print forms. Even those that are available to other users. The corresponding table rights for form generator, selection and possibly FreeSQL are also required for this.
Print: Edit print Allows editing of print forms for the List Print.
Print: Edit FreeSQL print from Specifies, whether print form can be edited for the printing of  any FreeSQL Command (New, Delete, Edit, Copy...).
Print: Edit print option of another user All print forms are loaded, also those, which are not available for any role of the user or for you. Only with this right, the user can create/edit or save/delete the print options that are available for everyone.
Print: Edit print options for all own roles A user with this right can create, edit or delete print options, that are available for the roles, that are assigned to him. The print options, that a user want to manage exclusively for himself, do not need any specific permission.
Print: Management of assets in the report designer Allows to manage (create, change, delete) assets in the report designer.


Authorizations Outcome
Execute Export Allows the usage of the export function.


Authorizations Outcome
Run Import  Allows the implementation of a complete data import.
Edit Import  Import directives, settings and options can be edited, created and deleted. (Only for roles available for the user.)
Edit Import availability Allows the setup of 'Availability'.
Edit Import components of another user

If active, the complete Editing of all Import Components is granted to the user. The Application of Availability and its Component filter is thus enabled. 

Import source * Activates the particular Import type (LH format, Service provider, CSV, etc.).
Selection and Import: Edit names of components in all languages Enables to translate names of the selection and Import components for different languages.
Test data import Basically enables the import of data from a safety tester. The global rights for individual safety testers still have to be assigned separately.


Authorization Outcome
Card: View configurable Allows a user to set and save the Card View for themselves. This right requires 'Management of the card view visible'.
Card: Management of the view Shows the menu for the display of the current Card View under a card and enables the loading of layouts provided for the own roles. This right is also required when card vies are to be configured or enabled. 
Enable card view As long as personal card views of the current user can be enabled for roles, this right is required. The rights 'Card view configurable' and 'Management of the card views visible' are necessary for enabling card view.


Sets the rights that allow mass data changes in the data selection. Requirement is the selection right "Execute Selection".

Authorization Outcome
Multi: Generate automatic transactions Allows the automatic creation of transaction through Multi.
Multi: Edit Field Content The right to overwrite columns is always required if the user is to change field contents via Multi. (Multifunction: "Change input field")
Multi: Execute Rules When the right is active, a previously defined rule can be selected within Multi, which influences the selected data.
Multi: Delete selected data Enables deleting the selected data via Multi.


Basic setting for the use of tags. Detailed settings are possible for the table rights. Further information: 'Tags'.

Authorization Outcome
Use Tags (up to waveware 11.200.5774) Allows the use of tags in document management (DMS) and on records. The 'Tags' tool window is only visible if this right is granted.
This global right is no longer required as of waveware 11.200.5774 and has been eliminated. Roles that had this global right in previous versions have been migrated to the 'Tags: Edit Global Tags' global right after the update.
Tags: Global Tags (as of waveware 11.200.5266) Global tags can be used (view, create, assign and edit). Global tags are tags that are available to all tables.
Tags: Personal Tags (as of waveware 11.200.5266) Users can see, create and assign tags that can only be used by them personally.
Global Rights
10 Changes