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Loy & Hutz

Import Database


28.PNGThe module 'Import Database', that is to be accessed via the Data Management, can restore databases completely with tables, indexes, views etc. The databases to be imported here, can be generated in advance as a backup with the module Export Database, if for example a visual FM database is to be imported, it must have been prepared with the help of the migration tools.
You can use this module to transport the data between your systems; for that they must be, of course, identically built. Missing tables or already single fields, which were deleted resulted in ineffectiveness of an import file.

During the Creation of a Data World (Install ID), a database is often created too (see  'Create Database Structure'). To be able to work with this database, minimum data are needed (in the delivery directory the file 'minimum.sql'), that contains user records or catalog entries, for instance. The import of the minimum data is done automatically upon request when creating the database structure. If the minimum data was not executed, it can be done with the help of this module.

Consider, that the minimum data are to be imported in dependency of the selected Main Language. Here, you can find the file 'minimum.sql' (corresponds to the language German) with various name extensions in the delivery directory, e.g.: 'minimum_en.sql' for English data, 'minimum_fr.sql' for French data etc.


  • Path Configuration
    In the field 'Path Configuration', specify the path to the file, that is to be imported. When selecting a file, it is checked, that can result in a short waiting time.
  • Settings
    The following settings can be set prior to an import:
    • Ignore incorrect records and continue import
      Defected records in the import file or conflict with the current database (missing required values, incorrect uniqueness etc.) cause errors in the import process. These errors ensure that the incorrect records are not imported and the complete process is canceled. To ignore the incorrect records during the import and to complete the process, activate this option. A field is visible, in which you can create a path to the directory, that is used to log the incorrect records.
    • Search and import components of the installed packages
      Depending on the type, you can decide, whether the data for components of the already installed packages are to be imported too (again). You need this option primarily, when you want to create the database to an existing database with already imported packages again. Setting the tick, ensures that the data, that were imported via the available package, are also imported in the new database. If data are already available for the package components to be imported, they are overwritten/completed, supposing that you have not made any changes.
  • Expert Settings
    In addition to the default settings, expert settings are offered, but these are only displayed after clicking on the 'Expert settings' button (top right in the opened window) and after displaying the security message to be confirmed. These settings are primarily for those users who want to import data using the migration tool.
    The expert settings should be used only by the expert users, as invalid records can ge generated in the database.
    With these settings, it is possible to temporarily disable the mandatory field check and check for unique records. When importing with the activated option, the database is adjusted, that leads to that the import takes much more time. The database remains in this state until the data world to which the import was executed is activated again. The first activation of the data world can take more time than usual. Imported records that would be invalid on the basis of the mandatory field or uniqueness check are automatically adjusted by the database structure check, which is performed each time the data world is activated.
    The options of the expert settings are not applied on internal fields (e.g.: 'G', 'Z', 'TIMESTEMP' etc.).

In the lower area, the 'Import Details' are displayed. The listing has all available tables of the database with names, IDs, and the record numbers prior to import.


After the import was executed, new record numbers are registered to be able to compare. If the number is changed after the import, they are marked in red.

Import Database
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