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Loy & Hutz



1.pngThe module 'Miscellaneous' offers different tools for maintaining and correcting the active data world (install ID). Some functions are available, only when the data world is inactive

Language Settings


'Language Settings' allow you to integrate User Languages into the current data world. Click on the button 'Add Language' if you want to install more user languages. Languages installed in this way can be assigned to a user (in his/her 'Staff' object) by using the field 'Region'. Read more in 'Multilingualism'.

The installed languages cannot be removed from the data world.

Currency Settings


In addition to main currency, you can add other currencies with the help of the 'Currency settings' (the so called secondary currencies) in the current data world. Choose any currency via the selection box and then click 'Add currency'. The currencies installed in this way, are automatically offered in the currency fields and can be selected as the default currency in the client catalog for a client. Once the currency is installed, it cannot be removed anymore. Further information you can get under 'Multi-Currency Capability'.

Package Translations

This functionality enables to write all translatable terms of the current data world in an Excel file. The file can be translated and then imported back into the data world. In this selection, it refers to simple user interface for the functionality of the Translator-Tool.


In the front area, a language is to be selected, that does not correspond to the basic language (in the rule "de (Deutsch)"). The following options refer to the language selected in this field.

  • Translation Status
    Determines the current state of the language to be set up. A detailed report is generated, which shows how many sections were already translated. This report will be downloaded as a .zip file to a selectable path and opened in the default browser, taking into account the other options (see below).

Übersetzungsstand Übersicht.png

In the displayed report, the area 'Packages' can be clicked to show the translation status of individual packages and files.

  • Export
    Creates an Excel file, that contains the terms of the selected language and can be used for the translation. The structure of this file is explained more detailed under 'Translator-Tool: Translation of Data Worlds.
  • Import
    Writes a translated Excel file back into the data world. The selected language must be adjusted to the language translated in the file.
  • Further Options
    The report generation and the export can be configured with the following options.
    • Package Repository
      When this option is activated, terms of not installed packages are exported from the package repository. The file can be thus very big. By default, the option is not selected.
    • Development Terms
      The terms are also exported, that are necessary only for the rule developers and not only for end users (e.g. package or rule descriptions).
    • Dictionary (without duplicates)
      If this option is selected (activated by default), each term of the basic language is exported only once.
      Also when the word 'Medical Equipment' is located in 100 rules and table fields, only one row is generated in the Excel file to be translated. During the import, the translation is entered in all places, that are not translated yet.
      Excel files that are exported in the dictionary mode, must be imported in the dictionary mode too. You can recognize files created in dictionary mode with the worksheet "Clients" in Excel or the suffix "-DICT" in the file name of the Excel file.

      Advantages of the dictionary mode: As each term of the basic language appears only once, the files are considerably smaller and the translation is simpler. It is recommended, to implement the translations always in dictionary mode and disable it after complete translation to make fine adjustments is necessary.
      Disadvantages of the dictionary mode: If a term is already translated in the data world, the existing translations are adjusted to the new translations, only when the term is uniformly translated. It should be prevented, that different meanings of terms are lost in various contexts.
      If the German term "Bewegung" is translated with different terms in other places (e.g. "movement" in one place, and "transaction" at another place), the existing translations are changed during the import in the dictionary mode, only when the option 'Force Unification' is activated. Otherwise, a warning is output during the import, that specifies how often a term was translated in another way; e.g. "Bewegung -> 512x transaction | 4x movement".
    • Force Unification
      This option plays a role only in the dictionary mode. If it is switched off (default), different translations are maintained in the data world. If it is switched on, different translations are unified: each German term is translated with the term in the Excel file.
      The following terms are located in the data world:
      "Bewegung" -> (not translated)
      "Bewegung" -> "trans"
      "Bewegung" -> "movement"

      The following rows are in the Excel file translated by the translator:
      "Bewegung" -> "transaction"

      If the option 'Dictionary mode' is active during the import, but 'Force Unification' is not activated, the terms look like in the data world as follows:
      "Bewegung" -> "transaction"
      "Bewegung" -> "trans"
      "Bewegung" -> "movement"

      If the option 'Dictionary mode' and 'Force Unification' are activated during the import, the terms look like in the data world as follows:
      "Bewegung" -> "transaction"
      "Bewegung" -> "transaction"
      "Bewegung" -> "transaction"
      If you do not want to unify the translations in this way, you should not activate the 'Force unification', but import into the dictionary mode once and make fine adjustments through export without dictionary mode. Without dictionary mode, every single field in the file. Then, you can translate the terms correctly by grouping and sorting.

Supervisor Password


You can change or reset the password of a waveware 'Supervisor' user with the function 'Supervisor Password'. Enter the new password in the text field and click the button 'Change Password'. If successful, you will receive a corresponding notification. The supervisor can then log in with the new password. 

To reset the password, click the button 'Reset Password'. In this case, the current password of the supervisor will be completely deleted. You can then log in without entering a password. To ensure safety, use always a complex password. 

You can change the password of the DataManagement administrator in 'waveware Server Settings'.

Rebuild Transaction Index

Each record of an object or catalog has special fields (so called 'SpeedUpColumns'), which sum up the number of subordinate transactions. The same is implemented for transactions and their sub-transactions. The sums of transactions and sub-transactions saved in this way are, for instance, displayed on tabs of objects. The record indicator (in the upper area of the card) uses these saved values too.


It can happen in very rare cases that the real number deviates from the saved value, e.g. "(3 / 3)" activities are shown in the record indicator for an object whereas five are saved: the record indicator will show then "(5 / 3)". Click the button 'Rebuild Transaction Index ' for a complete calculation of sums saved in this way. The process may take some time depending on the volume of the database. You will receive a notification when the process is completed. 

Check Database Structure 

When setting up a data world (install ID), a database structure is created which can later be adjusted with the help of packages or manually with the Designer, e.g. create/edit/delete tables or fields. The function 'Check Database' compares the information saved in the data world, e.g. DEFDB with the available database and shows you the detected problems in a notification. 

This test cannot be started manually anymore. It is executed automatically when activating the data world (install ID) and when installing each database-relevant change in the Designer.

Create Field ID List

This function is for creating lists of fields used in the tables. The result is displayed according to the HTML or CSV file selected. 


Define which fields are to be displayed. 'All fields' includes all system fields in the evaluation; 'Only 8000s' displays only the user-defined fields. In the next step, you are required to specify which field properties are to be exported.  

Activate the properties you want and confirm the dialogue box by clicking the button with the green tick or pressing [F12]. A selection dialogue will appear. Choose an empty directory in which the created files (one for each table) are to be stored. 

The file name consists of the table number and file extension, e.g. "6.csv". Note that files located in the directory under the same names are overwritten without any inquiries. 

The HTML output can be opened in the default browser. Formats are regulated with the 'format.css' file which is provided during the export. Here is an example for an exported CSV file: 

5;String;Contact Functions ID;;;E.G. „Cleansing“, „Repair“, „Room Service“ etc.;;F1;;50;
12;String;Contakt Function Name;;;;;F3;;120;
800;Catalogue (50);Color;;;;50;F4;;0;
801;Catalogue (51);Pattern;;;;51;F5;;0;

Correct Database Mode 


To make sure that several users can work with waveware and its database in an equal manner, this database must be executed in the 'MULTI_USER' mode. The latter is usually set automatically and can be viewed in the SQL Server Management Studio by using the options of the database ('Status' / 'Limit Access').

In very rare instances, the database remains in the 'SINGLE_USER' mode. The related data world (install ID) cannot be activated in this case anymore. With the function 'Correct Database' you can reset the database to the 'MULTI_USER' mode directly from the DataManagement. To successfully apply this command, you are required to provide the necessary permissions for the SQL Server. The command is executed with Powershell in the user context of the waveware server.

Complete Missing Images Automatically

If images (mostly icons or symbols) are missing in necessary solutions, the data world can no longer be activated, and it can be executed only in the Service Mode. Messages when activating of the data world indicate on the missing image solutions. The images reported in this way, you can manually add by making them available via the System Rule Editor.

To save time, images can automatically generated. The functionality is started via the button 'Complete missing images automatically' in the window 'Miscellaneous'. Thus, the existing solutions of images are used and the missing images are completed through scaling. 


If images are available only in a lower solution and bigger are to be generated from them, it can happen, that the completed images are blurred and symbols can be hardly recognized. Check the generated images afterwards and replace blurred ones if necessary.

Correct Database Owner


With the help of this function, the problems with the restoring a backup with restricted rights can be solved by changing the owner of the database of a data world. The new owner must not be specified, rather login used for the login of the waveware server in the SQL Server is automatically used as a new owner. To execute this function, a login with the SQL-Server-Role 'securityadmin' (or higher) must be used.

When importing a backup, there is now an option to implement this directly with alternative login data. Moreover, after the import, the access is checked and if a problem occurs there during it, a hint on the function under 'Miscellaneous' is displayed.

Application case: According to the principle of the minimal rights, it is common to grant only one right to each user and each service, that are indeed required for the normal work. With respect to waveware, the 'datareader' and 'datawriter' roles are sufficient for normal operation on the database level. To make changes or to import packages in the Designer as well, further rights are necessary ('create', 'delete', 'alter'). This can be achieved by giving the server role 'dbcreator'. With this role, you can set a new data world or create and import a backup. (In the later versions, the role 'bulkadmin' must be assigned for the backup, but previously needed file release can be dispensed with).

The executions refer to systems, that have assigned the 'dbcreator' as a role. These roles can be viewed as default roles to use the full range of functions of waveware. Systems with fewer rights must anyway use an alternative login for the import of backup and should use for that a user with the role 'sysadmin'.
If a backup is created, the complete state of the database is secured, including all user rights and the user of the database. If you restore this database, the previous owner of the database is retained. Problems occur when the system of the previous user is unknown. This can have more causes:
1. The user was deleted or renamed
2. The backup comes from another environment
3. The SQL Server was switched from mixed authentication to mere Windows authentication.

As an example, here would be called the loading of a backup from an encapsulated test system to the real system or vice versa. If the SQL Server states, that there is no user during the restoring of a database, the user is automatically changed to the fixed login "SA". It should be also ensured, that no one has an unauthorized access to the database. However, a problem occurs, that the backup was nearly successfully restored, but you do not have any access to the database. Previously, in such case, the database administrator had to manually correct the permission on SQL Server. This is simplified by the new function and can be done directly from the DataManagement.

Check WebWave Compatibility

Webwave-Kompatibilität prüfen.png

When using the waveware web client, make sure that the created rules can be applied equally on the web and FAT clients. The function 'Check for missing building blocks' carries out a consistency check of the building block implementations and lists the results directly below the button. The procedure may take several minutes depending on the number of rules to be checked.

Transport Orders

Transport orders are used to transfer changes of a waveware system to another system. This feature is typically used to easily transfer customizations to packages or DEF files from a development system to a test or productive system. Further information under 'Transport Orders'.

In the process, labels are made in the data world so that data statuses and transport routes can be clearly identified. However, after importing a full backup, these labels can be a hindrance or may even have no relevance at all. for example, after importing into an external system.

In order to set up transport orders in such systems again, these markings must be removed from the data world. To do this, click on 'Delete existing information on transport order' to clean up the current data world.


Change System Type

From waveware 11.170.1027, the system type of a data world in module 'Miscellaneous' (ribbon 'Manage Data World', area 'Administration') can be specified. The selection can be made between productive, test and development system.


Which system type is currently activated is firstly displayed below the buttons with the help of a brief description, and secondly, the data world is displayed as an icon in the 'Manage Data World' overview.


Depending on the selected system type, rules can be customized or changed. Building blocks ('IsProductiveSystem', 'IsTestSystem' and 'IsDevelopmentSystem') can read the type and determine the entire rule branch. In this way, test functions can be realized for test and development system, that are overlooked in productive system.

Clean up Table T_UTRANS_LINK

Cleanup function to delete erroneous records in table T_UTRANS_LINK.



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